If any question why we died
Tell them, because our fathers lied
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
George Bush, The Gambian Cowboy is a 30-minute riff on our fearless Commander In Chief that takes no prisoners, only unconstitutional detainees. George Bush, Iraq, the economy, the NRA, healthcare, education and more get totally punked. This raucous download will ruffle every fowl bird in the Bush! This audio piece by Franco Vitaliano was made BEFORE the invasion of Iraq, and everything on this recording has now come true. So how come others in the media didn't see this coming as well, or say something? Even the iconic too-many legged, 23-toed frog featured in this piece has now shown up a year later in Stewartville, Minnesota, which, quite frankly, is just way to eerie, and also quite scary. This was done in a single, unscripted, unrehearsed take.
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