Live opera and ballet are dead. Some savants within the high end audio community
firmly believe that watching real performers move around in front of your eyes
places too great a demand on your brain. Your visual cortex, they contend, is
robbing precious processing cycles from your auditory system. It maybe even
gets your brain confused (sort of like rubbing your belly and patting your head
at the same time). So, say goodbye to the fat ladies with the horny helmets,
und also to the tutus.
Whoa! This just in off the High End Audio Wire Service: "Watching live opera and ballet are OK for your brain, but viewing TV and movies in surround sound are still not." Hmmm.
Must be some kind of weird psuck-o-acoustic phenomenon at work here.
This eye/ear-loss nonsense would be hysterically funny if there weren't
some high end dealers, vendors, and users who actually believed this pseudoscience
claptrap. But as a result of this benighted bunch's bombastic beliefs, the high
end is in serious trouble.
This atavistic audio assemblage would probably be beside themselves if
they knew they were assiduously practicing a form of high tech virtual reality
(VR). It transpires every time they sit down in front of their stereos. You
can even hear it: "Great soundstage width, palpable player presence, good
depth, well delineated layers of instruments, can see right to the back of
the hall, holographic, etc."
In point of fact, a well executed auditory you-are-there illusion typifies
the VR experience at its best. VR is an attempt to place a person in a computer-generated
3D space in such a way that the user surrenders to the belief that he or she
is 'really there.' The VR experience is typically both visual and auditory.
Another goal of VR is to allow the user to move 'through' this artificially
created world, and to dynamically interact with the 'environment'.
The irony in high end audio is that instead of using intelligent computers
to help generate this VR illusion, it uses dumb as stone electronic components.
And if you expect to get this VR thrill, this crude collection of parts also
requires your active assistance. You have to sit very still, in just one place
(the infamous sweet spot), and then somehow trick your brain into perceiving
that a 3 dimensional 'live' image is actually present.
Interestingly, there are some poor souls, who, no matter how hard they
try, can only hear two discrete sound sources coming from two speakers. No 3D
experience for them. No palpable presence. Zip.
This unfortunate listener exception, along with the sticky sweet spot,
are dead give aways: Generating this mental 'trick' demands a whole lot of specialized
brain processing power, and user concentration.
Do you want to know what probably causes listener fatigue? It's your
having to sit motionless hour after hour, your ears squinting at the sound,
and your brain constantly trying to keep an ephemeral image from blowing away
into so many vaporous sound pressure fragments. Talk about forcing yourself
into believing something!
There is another illusory mental phenomenon hard at work in many high
end denizens. But this one is more in the nature of a stroke; as it will severely
block the flow of new digital technologies, as well as advanced thinking in
surround sound. Many high enders believe that all of this century's truly great
performers and performances are a done deal, forever locked away on grooved
vinyl devices dating back to the 70's, 60's, and 50's (and even earlier than
Further, many of these same folks go so far as to suggest that the design
and deployment of a high end system should be optimized around just one genre
of these vinyl encased 'reference' performances (e.g., the RCA Living Stereo
catalog). The inherent recording weaknesses of that particular catalog can then
be carefully counterbalanced by the system's strengths.
In other words, a high end system should not be a general purpose unit;
but rather, act like some krooning kamikaze with only one audible target locked
in its unwavering sights. Yikes! A kilobuck high end system as nothing more
than a hoary oldies but goodies jukebox. How can true technical progress be
made in the high end with this type of atherosclerotic attitude?
Truth be said, the present brouhaha in the audio high end is really not
about surround sound, or even new technology. It is, in fact, a multicultural
war. This struggle threatens to Balkanize, and thus marginalize, the audiophile
High End.
The high end looks like it is about to become sadly bifurcated. Going
down one path will be the vinyl/analog crowd whose fondest wish is to use the
new technologies to serve the old (a time honored, if backassed, social tradition).
And going down the other, is an upcoming generation of listeners who aggressively
use the newest technology to satisfy its VR entertainment needs. These two approaches
to the high end are now probably irreconcilable.
Part of this pessimistic outlook also lies in the belief that many high
enders would be aghast and crestfallen if their quest for The Absolute Sound
was finally satisfied. It is the thrill of the snipe hunt, and not the quarry's
capture, which truly interests them. It is only the tantalizing approximation
which is sought after.
For all of these unfortunate reasons, many of those in the high end have
seemingly erected (unconsciously or not) a huge psycho-social-techno roadblock
to rapid technological progress in audio, and especially in surround sound VR.
But we will need all of the clear thinking and vision we can muster if
we are to achieve the full promise of surround audio. For there are still some
big problems if you are seeking high end VR delight from home theater/surround
sound systems. This viewer/listener dilemma arises from the divergent design
goals of the two types of surround systems. (And no, Igor, it's not because
one has pretty pictures, and the other one doesn't.)
The design stumbling block comes in the form of how we socially, and
hence sonically, experience these two user surround modes. Home theater is typically
a multi-person thing (misanthropes excepted). People are spread out over chairs,
sofas, and on the floor. They are making snide comments, snacking on things,
etc. In other words, the home theater user experience is a pretty dynamic, socially
interactive affair.
Now compare that experience with seriously listening to music. Usually it's
just one person, two at most. The listener's attention is focused. And if you
are lucky, there are few distractions. In other words, surround sound for home
theater, and surround sound for listening occur in two radically different user
It is in this key regard that the high end throwbacks may have a point.
For currently, the end goals of these two surround systems are not congruent.
The user expectations are much too different to be accommodated by one all encompassing
electronics/sound/data format.
The answer to this user requirement hydra lies in the use of 1) new 'consumer'
computer systems which utilize the next generation of multimedia, high level
programmable DSPs ( see accompanying DSP sidebar);
2) loaded with format-liberated content; and 3) which 'open' content is easily
reconfigured to meet various ad hoc users' needs via software applications.
I.e., digital convergence is the path to consumer salvation.
Let's talk about consumer A/V content for a moment. The various digital
formats promulgated by the consumer electronics companies are mostly techno-bogus
razzle dazzle. Bits are bits, no matter how special their producer may think
they are. A bit could care less if it turns out to be a reproduced Mona Lisa
or just cheap porno. It is the software that assembles and displays the bits
for the user that makes the final determination on how it all comes out. The
format the bits are stored in is just an artificial contrivance, a set of conventions,
for storing and retrieving the data.
As the format is only an arbitrary set of rules, these formats are easily
transformed back and forth from one to another -- provided, of course, you have
a general purpose, 'open' computer and the software to do the transformation.
But instead of giving you open systems, the vendors try to lock users into a
dizzying array of 'closed' special purpose devices having limited functionality.
And now, many of the same group who brought you 'scammed' DAT drives
[as in SCMS; a brain dead copy protection scheme that prevents consumers from
using a legal copy as a new digital master. So if the dog eats your DAT master
cartridge, no more backups are possible], bit enfeebled MiniDiscs, and Perfect
Sound Forever, have decided to join forces to bring you the new DVD (Digital
Versatile Disc) format.
The computer industry finally seems to be giving the consumer electronics
industry a wakeup call, if only half-heartedly. Many of the same group who brought
you Perfect Sound Forever and VCR panic attacks have recently decided to join
forces to bring you the new DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) format.
Until recently, it looked like DVD was destined to be a replay of the
VHS/Beta battles. On one DVD side were Warner/Toshiba with their SD (SuperDisc)
format; and on the other were Philips/Sony and their MMCD (MultiMedia CD). The
two feuding formats were both offering DVD storage of approximately 4 to 5 gigabytes
per side. Both camps had also proposed a dual layer technology that effectively
doubled the single side capacity.
But in September, the two opposing factions joined forces to come up
with a single format. This loving marriage would probably never have come about
were it not for the intervention of matchmaker IBM. Having missed the boat on
CDs and CD ROMs, this giant computer maker was not about to let this important
digital ship set sail off in two conflicting directions.
IBM has industry weight because it is the acknowledged world leader in
very high density laser/digital storage technology, including the new short
wavelength blue lasers. (How come, we must wonder, IBM never come up with its
own DVD plan?)
In any event, even though other folks were carrying Armonk's water, a
Mr. Patrick O'Toole, an IBM senior vice president, is the person we have to
thank for bringing sanity to this impending DVD madness. Mr. O'Toole got Lou
Gerstner, the IBM CEO, to write a letter to all the warring DVD chiefs.
Lou urged them to adopt the Sony/Philips EFM Plus signal modulation (EFM
= eight to fourteen bit modulation, a variant of the encoding scheme used in
CDs) to store the data on the new DVD disc. IBM also wanted to see the SD architecture
adopted, which consists of two 0.6 millimeter discs bonded together (the Sony/Philips
MMCD used a single 1.2 millimeter thick platter). And topping off this DVD ice
cream sundae was Toshiba's RS-PC error-correction system.
Big Blue preferred the 0.6 mm disc because it believed the thinner SD
platter would make it easier to adopt its small blue lasers when they become
available. Blue lasers will bring tremendous increases in DVD storage capacity.
With the thinner .6 mm discs, the likelihood of short wavelength light
scattering (resulting in signal attenuation/errors) should be less than when
reflected off the deeper 1.2 mm platter. Furthermore, when a light wave front
hits the edge of an opaque body, such as a disc layer impurity, the front can
be modulated, thereby causing a redistribution of energy within the front. This
phenomenon is known as diffraction. The thinner discs might also ameliorate
the effects of diffraction.
None of these benefits are guaranteed, but the odds do go up in the designer's
favor with the .6 mm discs
Such was the enmity between the two warring DVD camps, that Toshiba first
tried to cook up its own version of the Sony/Philips signal modulation scheme,
and sell it to Lou. But IBM said nix to Toshiba's half-baked idea. IBM then
grabbed all the quarrelsome lads by the ears, and sat them down in the toolshed
for a day long heart to heart. At the end of the day, DVD industry unity prevailed.
One important outcome was that the original 5GB/side/layer capacity of
the Toshiba/Warner SD format dropped to 4.7 GB. The cause of the decrease was
that, for reasons of "worst case data reliability", the Sony/Philips
8-16 modulation system adds a bit to the original Toshiba/SD 8-15 modulation
system. Sony's 'worst case' extra bit is responsible for this 300MB of suddenly
missing DVD capacity.
The new DVD players are also backwards compatible, and will be able to
play CDs, as well as CD ROM discs. But this new consumer DVD format is still
not consumer recordable (although future variants of DVD will offer write-once,
as well write-many capabilities). The first instance of consumer DVD is for
playback only.
Now please note, we have two big time producers of software/content,
Warner and Sony, backing these systems. They both have huge vested interests
in not only controlling the new media format, but also in making sure that their
content doesn't 'escape' via high quality, consumer recordable devices.
So please don't be misled into thinking that relatively cheap, removable
cartridge, 5GB+ capacity, optical, recordable systems don't exist today. They
do, and by the time the $500 DVD players hit the streets next year, these high
capacity computer storage devices will probably be price competitive.
In the next issue of 21st, see why computer users are first class
and consumers are not.
Copyright 1995, Franco Vitaliano, All Rights Reserved
21st, The VXM Network,